About us

About us

23. March 2021 2024-02-08 22:55

... is different.

Built in the 16th century, it is embedded in a special historical context and a unique natural setting. It is situated on the quiet, romantic edge of the Ritten holiday mountain. We have now combined this heritage of tradition with accessibility and sustainability to make the past fruitful for the future. And to allow you to "simply take time out".

We are neither hoteliers nor entrepreneurs, but let from private to private. What counts is the idea. Because accessibility is about more than just a building - it's an attitude and a conviction.

years of tradition
accessibility measures
degree SDG orientation
percent enjoyment of nature

Dear guests!

Despite its age, House Himmelfahrt is breaking new ground. It breaks with the agony of choosing between, on the one hand, the luxury of parkland, sauna and library of a respectable luxury hotel and, on the other hand, the tranquility, autonomy and modesty of a small private apartment. House Himmelfahrt creates a tertium datur, a third option that combines the benefits of luxury and privacy while building on a three-pillar philosophy of sustainability, accessibility and tradition. The House Himmelfahrt comes from the old days, but actively contributes to the new. It is modern and traditional at the same time and thus a specialty. I hope the result of our efforts will enable you to have that relaxing holiday that we as a family like to enjoy at House Himmelfahrt. If you want to know more about the house and its surrounding, take a look at the Vademecum(in German language).

Welcome to your break!

Gabriel N. Toggenburg


The people,

who make your time out possible.

A team without whom House Himmelfahrt would not exist.

Magdalena Lunger

Woman of action, welcomes you on site. She lives with her daughter Emma and her dog Maxi in House Himmelfahrt and keeps it busy. The qualified social worker and teacher has her heart in the right place and is a nature fex. She trims every single plant in the large garden, loves her hens' organic eggs, welcomes you upon your arrival and is on hand with help and advice.

Günther Rautz

Man of the word, you most likely encounter him on AirBnB when booking. No concern escapes the studied lawyer and philosopher, who as a “wandering minority psychologist” has already advised the Dalai Lama and other political calibers.

Gabriel Toggenburg

Man of ideas, founder. The concept of the house as well as the texts of this website go back to him. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@himmelfahrt.it. We'll get back to you with the information you're missing here!

Impressions of our guests

„This is a splendid place – you deserve a prize for creativity. Jag kommer tillbaka, det kan ni vara säkra på!”

Jonas Grimheden, Schweden

Spring 2023
".... bezaubernd eingerichtete Wohnungen .... Wenn der Himmel nur annähernd so ist wie das Haus Himmelfahrt, dann wollen wir hin!“

Caroline Werth, Italien

August 2023
"...ein wahrhaftes Leuchtturmprojekt im europäischen Tourismus."

Martin Glauert, Deutschland

Oktober 2023
"Il viaggio in funivia e trenino ci ha portati nella tranquillità di un mondo passato. L’appartamento profuma di legno e di camomilla dei cuscini. La signora Magdalena che ci ha ricevuti è molto simpatica e disponibile per qualsiasi domanda."

Adriano e Adriana Silvestri, Italia

September 2023
“Staying here was heaven for all of us. The views, the walks, and the guest house are extraordinary!! This is the most welcoming, beautiful, spoiling place to come back every day.”

Larissa, Matthew, Amalia and Serafina Dickinson, Germany/United Kingdom

October 2023
“Hier, an diesem zauberhaften Plätzchen Erde erschuf die Familie Toggenburg einen Ort der Besinnlichkeit, wie es in keinem Märchen schöner sein könnte. Bis ins kleinste Detail spürt man, wie alle Gäste liebevoll umsorgt werden…“

Kornelia Grundmann, Österreich

September 2023
„Wir fühlten uns vom ersten Moment an heimisch ... Man spürt den liebevollen Geist der Gastgeber….. wahrlich ein Ort zum Abschalten und regenerieren.“

Petra Kopf, Deutschland

September 2023
„I don't know which one is more amazing, the place or the hosts. ... If you're in the area, this is where you want to stay.“

Hakan Akozek, United Kingdom/Turkey

September 2023
"Perfekte Tage für unser Team-Building! Die Gruppe kam an und fühlte sich sofort wohl. Impulsreferate, Strategiespiele, Spaziergänge, Gruppenkochen. Herrlich ..."

Eva Maria Moar, Abteilungsleiterin bei EURAC Research, Südtirol

November 2023
"Special shout-out to Magdalena and the hotel owners; they were so friendly and always made our stay beautiful and relaxed .... I highly recommend this hotel for a truly memorable experience."

Gangani Prasangika, Austria

December 2023
"A rare find! Not least because of the warm welcome we received from lovely Magdalena who couldn’t have been more helpful throughout our stay. We will certainly return!"

Jill Burnett, Austria

December 2023
Wonderful place, wonderful staff, a Paradise!

William, United States of America

May 2024
Unser Urlaub in der herrlichen Anlage ist nun schon Vergangenheit, aber die Erholung und das warme Gefühl, das das Haus und den Park umgibt, dauern an!

Angelika Zeller mit Großfamilie, Deutschland

Juni 2024
Selten findet man einen so rolligerechten Ort zum Auftanken!

Familie Bloch, Deutschland

Juni 2024

Contributions in media

„Einst jahrhundertealter Pferdestall, nun wachgeküßt zu einem hideaway der Sonderklasse.“

„Was hat Tourismus mit Barrierefreiheit zu tun?“

„Barrierefreiheit nach allen Regeln der Kunst“

"Barrierefreier Tourismus: gelebtes Faktum oder fernes Ziel?"

"111 Orte in Südtirol, die man gesehen haben muss" (S.Gruber und P.Eickhoff)
"Himmelfahrt ohne Hindernisse"
"Oberbozen - Haus Himmelfahrt", Hotel Europa

Check Availabity

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children